Residents of Brentford Dock spoke to security on Saturday the 9th of June and were told that the boilers were now off for the annual heating shut down which occurred the day before, however around 16.00hrs Friday residents were experiencing tepid water for showers and by midnight the water was cold.
It is inconceivable that prior to leaving the office on Friday Michael Richards & Co office staff, were unaware of the problem with the hot water supply.
On Saturday midday the Security officer informed residents that he was awaiting an engineer to arrive.
It would have been courteous and consistent for residents to have been informed of the impending heating shut down. Clearly that is not now the “caring” management’s way. As of the 15th of June there were no letters passed to residents apologizing for the inconvenience which is appalling. The first apology seen is on the Dock website a newsletter recorded as minutes June 2018, if only the minutes were that up to date. No June 2018 minutes are on the Dock website site as of 21 June 2018. Nor is there a heating shut down date.
Residents pay a lot of money in their service charge for an unacceptable service.
The heating and hot water supply has proved to be unreliable on Brentford Dock with numerous bank holidays and weekend outages. These outages have often been followed by no or very belated information from Brentford Dock Ltd or their “managing agents” Michael Richards and Company.